§ 3.30.030. Retirement after twenty years.  

Latest version.
  • After twenty years of service and having reached the age of fifty-five years any civil service employee may retire or be retired, either on his application to the pension board or by action of the board on its own motion, on a limited annual pension equal to such proportionate share of one-half of the annual salary attached to the rank or position held by such applicant at the time of his retirement, provided the employee has held such rank or position at least two years prior to retirement, as the number of years actually served bears to thirty years.

    For example, if the service has been for twenty-two years, the pension shall be twenty-two thirtieths of said one-half of said annual salary, provided that in the event of a subsequent change of the salary of such rank or position the pension provided for in this section shall be the fractional portion of the salary as changed from time to time. In case an employee has been demoted for the convenience of the city within five years of the date of his retirement, the employee is entitled to receive the rate of retirement attached to the rank from which he was demoted. In the event that an employee is demoted for disciplinary reasons, the employee shall receive the rate of retirement attached to the position to which he has been demoted. Upon receipt of such application, it shall be the duty of the pension board to investigate the same and in its discretion to grant or deny such application; provided, that any denial of such application shall be without prejudice to the right of such applicant, provided that no removal of an employee after twenty years service shall operate to deprive him of the benefits of this section except when such removal be for habitual drunkenness, notorious insubordination, conviction of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude, and then only in the event the pension board in its discretion orders that such removal operate to deprive such member of the benefits hereof.

(Ord. 92-6 Div. 2 (part), 1992.)