§ 3.30.020. Retirement at age sixty-five.  

Latest version.
  • Any civil service employee attaining the age of sixty-five years shall be eligible for pension upon application or by the board on its own motion. Such employee so retired shall, thereafter during his lifetime, be paid in equal monthly installments a yearly pension equal to such proportionate share of one-half of the annual salary attached to the rank or position held by the employee at the time of his retirement as the number of years actually served bear to thirty years; provided the employee has held such rank or position at least two years prior to retirement and provided that in the event of a subsequent change in the salary of such rank or position the pension shall be computed on the basis of such salary as so changed from time to time, and provided further that in case an employee has been demoted for the convenience of the city within five years of the date of his retirement, the employee is entitled to receive the rate of retirement attached to the rank from which he was demoted. In the event that an employee is demoted for disciplinary reasons, the employee shall receive the rate of retirement attached to the position to which he has been demoted.

(Ord. 92-6 Div. 2 (part), 1992.)