§ 19.25.090. Buffer yards.

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose. These provisions are intended to minimize or eliminate conflicts between potentially incompatible but otherwise permitted land uses on adjoining lots through a combination of setbacks and visual screening.


    Applicability. The buffer yard standards of this Section shall apply to:


    All new development on vacant land.


    Redevelopment or expansion of existing development by 15 percent or more of existing floor area, except for new construction of single family units, accessory dwelling units, or two family dwellings.


    Any change from a residential use to a commercial or industrial use, a commercial use to an industrial use; or any other change from one land use classification to another non-residential land use classification that increases development intensity and results in increased traffic, processes, noise, or pollution, as determined by the Zoning Administrator.




    Where a proposed use is separated from an existing use by a public right-of-way, drainage channel, or stream corridor, no buffer yard is required provided such right-of-way, stream corridor, or major body of water or waterway is at least equal in width to the required buffer yard.


    Where a development lot is 25 feet or less in width, a six-foot high solid masonry wall may be provided in lieu of any required buffer yard.


    Compliance with the buffer yard standards shall not necessitate the demolition or relocation of any portion of any existing building.


    Other exceptions to the standards of this section may be granted with a Conditional Use Permit.


    Required Buffer Yards — Minimum Dimensions and Standards. Required buffer yards are indicated in Table 19.25-A. A buffer yard shall be provided on any lot containing a use listed in the first column of Table 19.25-A when it abuts a lot containing a use listed in the second column of the same row. Buffer yards shall consist of both a landscaped area and a solid wall in the dimensions prescribed in the table and shall comply with all applicable standards of this subsection. See Figure 19.25-B.

    TABLE 19.25-A

    Proposed Land Use on Project Site Existing Land Use on Adjacent Lot Minimum Buffer Yard Width (ft.) Required Wall Height (ft.)
    Commercial Use, Mixed-Use Residential Use; Residential Care Facility; Park and Recreation Facility; Day Care Center 10 6
    Industrial Use Residential Use; Residential Care Facility; Park and Recreation Facility; Day Care Center 10 8
    Public and Semi-Public Uses Residential Use 5 6
    Multiple Family Residential; Transitional Housing; Senior Housing with 3 or more units on a lot; Group Housing; Residential Care Facility; Large Family Day Care Single Family Dwelling; Single Family Dwelling with Second Unit; or Two Family Dwelling. 5 6



    Location. Required buffer yards shall be developed along the perimeter of the lot and extend inward from the property line of the project site as illustrated in Figure 19.25-B.


    Landscaping of Required Buffer Yards. Buffer yards shall be planted with a mix of trees, a minimum of 15 gallons in size, and shrubs. At least one tree shall be planted per 20 lineal feet or as appropriate to provide a tree canopy over the buffer yard. In addition, three shrubs shall be planted per 20 lineal feet.



    Walls. Industrial uses must provide a solid screening wall of sound absorbing stucco, decorative block, or concrete panel. Screening walls for other uses may be constructed of stucco, decorative block, concrete panel or a dense hedge of at least 95 percent opacity that provides a year-round evergreen barrier, or other substantially equivalent material.


    Uses of Buffer Yards. Buffer yards may be used as yards, open space, or natural areas, or for any use that does not interfere with its effectiveness as a buffer between potentially incompatible uses. Buffer yards shall not be used for parking, driveways, trash enclosures, mechanical equipment, or as a building area.


    Buffer Yard Plan. A buffer yard plan shall be submitted in conjunction with other application materials for a permit. A buffer yard plan shall show the location of all buffer yards on the project site, proposed plant locations, a plant list and key, and existing and proposed structures on the site. Where a landscaping plan is also required, the buffer yard plan may be incorporated into the landscaping plan.


    Maintenance. All required planting shall be permanently maintained in good growing condition and replaced with new plant materials when necessary to ensure compliance with applicable standards. All required walls and irrigation systems shall be permanently maintained in good condition and repaired or replaced when necessary to ensure continued compliance with the requirements of this Section.

(Ord. 2008-2 Div. II (part), 2008; Ord. No. 2017-04, § 3, 6-6-2017 )