§ 13.28.050. Obstructing vision unlawful.  

Latest version.
  • Any tree or shrub growing in a parking strip or any public place which dangerously obscures the vision of pedestrians or vehicle operators, or which in any manner endangers the security or usefulness of any public street, sewer, sidewalk, or other public or private property, is declared to be a public nuisance. Upon determination by the city manager that any such tree or shrub constitutes a public nuisance, he or she shall give written notice to the responsible property owner to trim, remove or otherwise control such tree or shrub in such manner as will abate such nuisance. Said notice shall briefly describe the remedial work required to be done, shall refer to this section, and shall state that said work shall be done within ten working days from the date of service of said notice. The notice shall further state that if the responsible property owner fails to perform the required remedial work within ten working days, that the city may cause the work to be done and the cost thereof will be charged and made a lien against the responsible property owner's lands.

(Ord. 96-10 Div. II (part), 1996.)